Newsweek wrote an entire article about Kyle Rittenhouse calling President Biden gay, and when they reached out to Kyle for a comment he simply stated "Newsweek is gay"
Β· Jun 6, 2024 Β·

You guys can't convince me this isn't the best timeline.

So it's Pride Month and fittingly Kyle Rittenhouse comes out on Twitter and calls Joe Biden gay.

Probably because of this:

And this:

And this:

This tweet of Rittenhouse's was so controversial that Newsweek thought it appropriate to write an entire article about it.

"Sparks fury!"


Then, Newsweek actually wrote up another article concerning Kyle's double down, where they mention, "After sparking outrage on social media, Kyle Rittenhouse has doubled down on his β€˜gay' comment β€” this time using it to refer to Vice President Kamala Harris and gun control activist David Hogg," referring to this tweet πŸ‘‡

Is it gay to trample on Americans' gun rights? Yes. Yes it is. Especially during Pride Month.

Meanwhile, while Newsweek is writing this article about Rittenhouse calling gay pride Joe Biden "gay," they reach out to Kyle Rittenhouse for a comment. And his response looked like this:

When approached for comment by Newsweek, Rittenhouse simply replied: β€˜That Newsweek is gay.'

Bro ...


Man, we really do live in the best timeline!

One last thing before I go: Apparently at one point there was a community note, or a parody community note at least, concerning the initial "Joe Biden is gay" comment.

"At best, he'd be bisexual."

Literally my favorite response when people use the gay attack!

What a world we live in, folks!

P.S. Now check out our latest video πŸ‘‡

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