Nikole Hannah-Jones says communist Cuba has "the least inequality" and has ended "codified racism" 🤡
· Jul 19, 2021 ·

We need a new term more accurate than "clown town" to describe this new level of literal insanity:

Here's the scoop:

1619 Project founder Nikole Hannah-Jones praised communism for solving racism in Cuba. The New York Times writer and newly minted Howard University professor said that Cuba's communist revolution brought about "the end of codified racism."

In a podcast with Ezra Klein, of Vox and The New York Times, Hannah-Jones was asked: "Are there candidates right now—or even just places—that you think have a viable and sufficiently ambitious integration agenda, and if so, what is it?"

Hannah-Jones, who is now a tenured professor despite having no academic qualifications for such a role and is regularly promoted by the media, said she doesn't have much knowledge on "race relations internationally," but that Cuba (yes, CUBA!) is the model country when it comes to racial inequality.

"The most equal multi-racial country in our hemisphere, it would be Cuba. Cuba has the least inequality between black and white people anyplace really in the hemisphere. I mean, the Caribbean, most of the Caribbean it's hard to count because the white population in a lot of those countries is very, very small. A lot of those countries are run by black folks. But in places that are truly at least biracial countries, Cuba actually has the least inequality. And that's largely due to socialism—which I'm sure no one wants to hear," Hannah-Jones continued.

This woman sees literally everything through the lens of race. Sure, you can live in a third-world nation where the masses are poor, hungry, and unable to speak out against corruption without fear of their family being shot, but if people of different skin tones get along in their equal squalor that's great??

I mean, seriously, do you realize that you can't buy many things (AKA "capital") in Cuba without being fined or imprisoned? You also aren't allow internet or cable TV, you can't move without government permission, and you are not allowed to practice any religious faith without losing your job, getting your kids kicked out of school, going to prison, or worse.

Speaking of jobs, you have to have the government's permission to change jobs, but they can put you in whatever job they need whenever it's needed, and they'll pay you the competitive wage of $20 a month for said job.

Do you have dreams and hopes for your career? Not in Cuba!

You must rely on the government for everything, and that might mean waiting years for even basic necessities.

Here's what a 90-year-old woman had to say when the government finally got around to giving her a MICROWAVE – you know, in freaking 2008!

"There were some rich people in Havana who had a microwave, but the rest of us didn't dream of one."

With that in context, let's tune back in to Hannah-Jones and her mental insanity, this time with a focus on an op-ed she wrote in 2008 while this Cuban grandmother was seeing a microwave for the first time.

Hannah-Jones praised Cuban communism for its equity practices in 2008 in an op-ed in The Oregonian. In the article, called "The Cuba we don't know," she praises the "scrappy" island's dictatorship, educational infrastructure, low HIV rates, and spirit, saying that the US should not have such tight sanctions on the country.

"Black Cubans especially," she wrote, "are wary of outsiders wishing to overthrow the Castro regime. They admit the revolution has been imperfect, but it also led to the end of codified racism and brought universal education and access to jobs to black Cubans. Without the revolution, they wonder, where would they be?"

"The revolution has been imperfect"?


If by "imperfect" you mean "bloodbath" and "decades of forced oppression," then yeah, it was "imperfect."

It's worth noting that Castro, like Hannah-Jones and groups like BLM today, once claimed the revolution in Cuba wasn't about Marxism but "representative democracy and social justice" before coming to power.

Hannah-Jones, like every good Marxist student, thinks she could run a socialist takeover so much better than old-school commies like Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, or Castro.

As Prof. Jordan Peterson has said, that is "the most arrogant possible statement anyone could ever make."

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