Michael Moore tells Israel to stop fighting Palestinians and worry about white Christians because of the Spanish Inquisition
ยท Mar 4, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

I honestly couldn't believe this was real.

Sure, I could believe that noted moron Michael Moore would say something stupid about Israel and Palestine. And sure I could believe that he'd want to direct hate at white Christians.


Guys, you've got to listen to this.

According to my knowledge of history, the enemies of Israel... the Jewish people of this world have been persecuted for 5,000 years. For the last 2,000 years, most of the persecution has come from white European-centric Christians. That's been your enemy.

Good point, Mr. Moore. It's not like Jews have been locked in struggles in the Middle East since, you know, Isaac and Ishmael. And the centiuries-long wars against the Philistines, which is where the name "Palestinian" comes from. And the millennia-long struggle to keep foreign empires out of Israel's territory, including a thousand years of Muslim rule following the failure of Christian Europe to regain the region during the Crusades.

No: The real enemy is evil white Christians.

No Palestinian ran the Spanish Inquisition! Your enemy is not the Palestinian people. It is white, Christian, European people who have been slaughtering Jews for the last 2,000 years.

Yeah, except who was it that attacked Israel on October 7th?

Was it a group of Southern Baptists? Radical Mennonites?

Oh, no. That's right.

It was Muslim jihadis, who repeat the exact same thing wherever they go.

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