For real.
Yeah, so if you're still confused, a museum dedicated to female genitalia decided to celebrate women by celebrating men.
The satire writes itself!

Oh, but that's not all.
There's a thread!
"Trans Saints and Gay Vikings"
Boy are these activists desperate to fit history into their neo-Marxist sexual theory. I'll go into the first two on their list, and then bombard you with all the other dudes the peeps at the Vagina Museum celebrated instead of actual women.
"Eleanor" was actually a man named John who dressed like a woman and was questioned by London authorities for being a male prostitute in drag. Only weird academics want to use his case for queer theory, because they are desperate to validate their idiocy. In actuality, John told authorities he regularly slept with women (even nuns!). This kind of sexual pervert is the kind of man the wokies want to make a hero.
No charges were recorded as pressed, because contrary to popular belief, sordid sexual practices were quite common for most (all) of human history. Sodomy and prostitution were not generally prosecuted by secular authorities at the time.
It has only been the last few hundred years that the sexual ethic of monogamous faithfulness between a man and a woman has become mainstream, and during that time the only thing we did was build a stable civilization of strong family homes that created men and women who explored the planet, learned how to kill bacteria, stopped the Nazis, built nuclear reactors, got us to the moon, and created every other modern miracle that has led to exponential human flourishing and longevity everywhere. So, you know, no big deal.
This might be the first recorded case of parents failing their son by actively encouraging him to live as a girl. He eventually reached the stellar heights of running a brothel, which was investigated by authorities during an outbreak of venereal disease. It was during the investigation that authorities learned he was a man, and ended up arresting him.
Given the woke narrative, you'd expect they would have trotted this brave black transgender individual out before a firing squad, but nope. The court tried him for perjury for lying about his sex on his marriage certificate.
It's weird. I've also been told America's legal system is systemically racist, but in the 1940s a transgender gay black man got only arrested and sentenced for lying on legal documents. Weird.
Here's a few more examples from their thread:
Look, now you got a laugh and learned about the history of men with gender dysphoria, so the Vagina Museum can't accuse you of trying to silence their stories.
Remember, men: For the next International Women's Day, make sure to high five a fellow bro for everything men have accomplished!

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