Leave it to Woke Preacher Clips to find an appropriation of a hymn that desecrates the song worse than Chris Tomlin could even dream.
Behold the destruction of a beloved classic!
Oh, Brother Sun with golden beam
Oh, Sister Moon with softer gleam...
Dear Mother Earth who, day by day, unfoldest blessings on our way. Oh, we praise you, alleluia!
Yeah, so this is literally pagan sun-worship with Jesus somehow attached.
Of course, this "church" that worships the planet would obviously have no problem with murdering children in the womb.
This preacher is just repeating the same, old, tired pro-abort talking points and completely disregarding the lives of those killed in abortion.
Abortion, eugenics, and population control have always gone hand-in-glove with one another. Worshiping the planet always leads to child sacrifice. It's an anti-human ideology.
Roll up your sleeves, boys – it's time to defeat paganism again!
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