This is some utter garbage right here, and you know it:
Before we get into the article, let me give you some current stats:
- From Jan 1, 2020 to October 9, 2021, a total of 91,994 American children under age 17 have died from various causes.
- Of these, 513 have died from Covid. Many of these deaths involved immune system problems or other comorbidities.
- 12,175 children die from accidents each year, which includes things like car crashes, drowning, and suffocation.
- In 2019, 1,115 kids under age 15 died of cancer.
- There are only 60 children who have died with Covid between the ages of 1 and 4.
With this in mind, read the following:
A New York City judge has barred a father from visiting his 3-year-old daughter unless he is vaccinated against COVID-19 or submits to weekly tests.
Justice Matthew Cooper ruled in the divorce hearing allowing the father to visit his daughter in person while unvaccinated is "not in the child's best interests," according to The New York Post.
Judge Cooper is a maniac, and I don't say that lightly.
100% certified-fresh, unhinged lunatic.
It doesn't matter to crazy people like him what the data says. Sure, only 0.0006% of America's 73,000,000 kids have died from Covid. Sure, kids 1-4 are the least at-risk group. Sure, tens of thousands of children die each year in horrible accidents and other diseases like the common flu.
Doesn't matter to the disciples of this weird virus cult.
It doesn't even matter that the dad has NATURAL IMMUNITY:
The father, who was unnamed in the court's opinion, has already recovered from the COVID-19 virus.

This is mind-blowingly bonkers. I really cannot say it enough.
"Here, in-person parental access by defendant is not in the child's best interests, and there are exceptional circumstances that support its suspension," Cooper wrote on October 7. "The dangers of voluntarily remaining unvaccinated during access with a child while the COVID-19 virus remains a threat to children's health and safety cannot be understated."

The chances of a healthy 3-year-old child contracting Covid from her immune father and then dying is roughly equivalent to the chance that I will suddenly burst into flame while typing this sentence, then be crushed by a flying rhinoceros that bursts through the wall of my home like the Kool-Aid man.
Nope, still here.
Now, do you want to know what is a risk to children?
Growing up without a dad.
Every single metric shows a rise in mental illness, crime, instability, lack of education, lower wages, obesity, shorter life expectancy... you name it!!
People like this judge have deemed the deadly 'Rona to be SUCH a threat that they would risk the lives of little kids on their beliefs.
I say "beliefs" because what they are doing is religious in nature. It is a matter of abstract faith to believe that Covid is statistically deadly to little kids. There is absolutely not one shred of physical, scientific evidence in the entire world that justifies such an opinion.
The man's defense attorney had this to say:
"This judge must feel that 80 million Americans who aren't vaccinated are placing their children at imminent risk of harm and, therefore, the courts should intervene and remove those children from their parents," Rosen said. "This is an absurd position to take."
Don't give them ideas, dude.
That's a line America won't let these madmen cross.
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