NYC's Eric Adams Tells “60 Minutes” He Has No Regrets Firing City Workers Who Didn't Get Vaxxed, Has No Plan To Give Their Jobs Back
· Apr 26, 2022 ·

Eric Adams is a complete joke of a mayor.

One of his first acts as mayor was to fire over a thousand city workers who didn't get the Fauci ouchie.

Now, months later, he's asked by Anderson Cooper whether or not he still stands by that decision.

Adams' answer is so completely out of touch that it's hard to believe.




He may as well have said "Yeah, I fired 'em! And I'd do it again!"

Cooper: Do you see them [fired workers] being able to get their jobs back at some point, or that rule is in place?

Adams: That rule is in place. What do we say to those over three hundred thousand New York City employees that understood, we're in a dangerous time, the city needed them, they stepped up, they did the right thing, even those who had uncertainty.

His answer is "what about all the others who got the jab? Some of them didn't want it and I forced them to get it."

That's not exactly a good excuse, mayor.

If you were fired in New York for not getting the vax, the stubbornness of your mayor is going to prevent you from EVER getting your job back.

And policemen or firefighters who disagreed with the mandate? As long as Adams is mayor you're still out of luck.

If you were only a basketball player, then they'd make an exception.

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