Last night the DNC featured one of the true victims of American society to remind us just how awful the country is.
Oh wait, sorry about that, wrong clip.
(Don't you dare laugh at that!)
Here we go. Here's the correct clip of some woman named Oprah Winfrey exposing how she has been the victim of racism, sexism, and income inequality due to growing up in America.
I've seen racism, and sexism, and income inequality, and division. I've not only seen it, at times, I've been on the receiving end of it.
This poor, pitiful, put upon ... triple billionaire?
America is such a racist and sexist and bigoted country that it's almost impossible for certain races and minorities to get ahead.
(According to the black female worth billions because she had a successful talk show enjoyed by millions of Americans living in a "inherently racist and sexist" country.)
Beyond that, it does seem like an awkward time for Oprah to be saying "epic fire" in a speech about caring for the poor.
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