Over 22 million children have missed measles vaccines due to lockdowns and now outbreaks are at risk of becoming "explosive"
· Nov 11, 2021 · NottheBee.com

If you believe Covid is generally dangerous to healthy kids, you've been sold a giant lie.

Go to the CDC website right now and look up U.S. mortality stats by age, then factor in that the majority of the deaths among children have been individuals with other serious health conditions.

There are quite literally 1,001 other things that are vastly more dangerous to kids. One of them is measles:

More than 22 million children missed their measles vaccine during the pandemic, the biggest rise in two decades, according to new figures.

It means three million more children were missed than in 2019, creating "dangerous conditions" for major outbreaks, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said.

After decades of progress measles cases were already on the rise before Covid-19 for several years, due to poor global vaccination rates linked to hesitancy, weak health systems and a lack of access to the jab.

That's not good.

Unlike the experimental mRNA vax that is quickly diminishing in efficacy and doesn't keep people from spreading Covid, the measles vaccine is one that's been tested for decades and stops nearly all cases of transmission.

The drop in cases last year is partly linked to the public health measures put in place to prevent Covid-19, including masks, handwashing and social distancing, but there is a more concerning element behind the plummeting rates too, the WHO said.

Surveillance also deteriorated dramatically last year: the lowest number of specimens were sent for laboratory testing in more than a decade.

The lack of monitoring, testing and reporting, alongside the rising numbers of unprotected children, increasingly sets the scene for "explosive outbreaks and preventable deaths", WHO and the CDC said.

Measles can cause blindness, brain swelling, and pneumonia (which alone has killed more children in the U.S. than Covid over the past two years). Before the vaccine was created in the '60s, about 2.6 million people died from the measles each year.

Compare that again to the general findings of global Covid-19 stats in kids. Even studies as far back as May 2020 noted the low mortality rates:

For this time period, in these seven countries combined, 44 COVID-19 deaths were reported in 42,846 confirmed cases (this latter number is likely to be a massive underestimate; data were not available for France) in those aged 0–19 years (0–14 in USA). This compares with 13,200 estimated deaths from all-causes, including 1056 from unintentional injury, and 308 from lower respiratory tract infection (107 from influenza). The situation in each country was almost identical, and in accordance with early data from China i.e. COVID rarely kills children, even compared with influenza, against which many children are already vaccinated.

Now let's check back in with where we're at with measles:

Dr Kate O'Brien, director of the WHO's department of immunization, vaccines and biologicals, said: "Evidence suggests we are likely seeing the calm before the storm as the risk of outbreaks continues to grow around the world."

Measles is highly (read: insanely) contagious, by the way.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. How many other vaccinations, surgeries, and check ups have been missed due to restrictions and an obsession with Covid?

You think the 'Rona was bad? Just wait!

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