The boldness of Islamic terrorists, specifically in attacks against Christians, continues to escalate in the Middle East.
In Pakistan, hundreds of Christian homes and churches have been attacked recently around the city of Faisalabad and the outlying town of Jaranwala in the Punjab area that borders India to the east. The attacks stem from allegations that Christians committed blasphemy against the Muslim's prophet, Mohammed.
Here is video of some of the attacks:
[Warning: Violence]
Similar allegations in the nation have often proven false, but even spurious claims of blasphemy have led to widespread riots targeting Christians.
On September 3rd, Pastor Eleazar Sidhu, nicknamed Pastor Vicky, was attacked by a mob of radical Islamists while riding on his motorcycle with his son, from church to his home, after a prayer service.
Attackers shot Pastor Vicky, striking his shoulder with a bullet.
The potentially deadly violence came after another troubling issue his church faced in recent days. Sidhu, 35, told authorities his house of worship was plastered with Islamic slogans like "Muhammad is the last prophet," among others...
"Since then, I have been receiving death threats and been falsely accused of blasphemy," the preacher said in a written document detailing what unfolded. "I call on authorities to ensure my safety and that of my Christian community so we can live in this country without fear."
Police have not made any arrests in the shooting case.
According to the pastor, a bearded man demanded he deny his Christian faith and recite a profession of Islamic faith. The pastor refused and was attacked.
Here are followups with some of the Christians who are trying to put back together the pieces of their homes and churches:
"In Pakistan, Christians are considered second-class citizens and are discriminated against in every aspect of public and private life," [OpenDoors persecution] report reads. "Although there were no major attacks against churches last year, there are almost constant attacks against individuals. Believers who have converted from Islam are the most vulnerable to persecution."
Pray for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇