President-elect Trump hasn't even taken office yet and already he's making Pixar great again!
Pixar's original animated series Win or Lose will no longer include a transgender storyline in a later episode, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.
Immediate reaction:

The series follows "a co-ed middle school softball team named the Pickles in the week leading up to their championship game." The episodes focus on various characters associated with the team, including players and parents.
The "transgender" character in the story is reportedly voiced by Chanel Stewart, a young man who believes he is a woman and who expressed disappointment over the storyline being cut:
I was very disheartened ... From the moment I got the script, I was excited to share my journey to help empower other trans youth. I knew this would be a very important conversation.
What some people call "very important conversations," of course, we call "confusing and corrupting young people with messages about transgender delusions." So, with due respect to Mr. Stewart, this is in fact very good news that the story was cut.
Disney, meanwhile, acknowledged that the subject matter of a young person taking part in a delusional psychosexual fad was not right for a children's show:
When it comes to animated content for a younger audience, we recognize that many parents would prefer to discuss certain subjects with their children on their own terms and timeline.
The voice actor, meanwhile, says his character is now "a cis girl, a straight cis girl." A definite improvement, especially for a kid's show, though he still used the slur "cis," which says a lot about where Disney's ideology is.
Could it be though that Disney might be finally realizing that modern gender theory isn't inevitable, and that the majority of people don't actually believe in that nonsense, AND that they'll lose everything if they keep pushing it??

Let's hope this trend continues!
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