Ladies and gentlemen, the leading bet for the 2024 Democratic nominee for commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Be unburdened, fam. Let the Veep speak to your soul.

There is a point to this, but it's ironic.
See, I've been told not to be unburdened by the past. I've been told, by people like Kamala, that the past matters so immensely that I'm responsible for the sins of people who look like me from hundreds of years ago. Also, if I don't obsessively think about someone's skin color, sex, gender flavor of the month, or 6,932 other Historical Categories of Oppression™ from the intersectional hierarchy, I've been told I'm a bigot.
I guess there's only one type of past that Kamala wants to "unburden" us from: The one standing in the way of a continuous present where the Party is always right.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇