Please enjoy this video of a man charging his car in a dark parking lot for 16 minutes just to get the extra 11 miles he needed to get home
· Mar 2, 2023 ·

This hurts to watch.

Waiting for a quarter hour in a cold, dark parking lot to accomplish what 3 seconds' worth of gasoline at the pump could get you? Progress!

(Note that it was 37º outside. Now try charging at -20º.)

Can you imagine doing this with kids?

"I know you're tired honey, but stop hitting your brother! Just 30 more minutes until the battery warms up to get enough juice!"

Electric cars are fun toys.

But until the tech is lightyears ahead, toys they remain.

I can't wait to watch all the baffled soyboys cry when their cars drive away for the sake of the Great Reset!

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