Police visited an 82-year-old UK grandma because someone reported her for having a CUP OF TEA OUTSIDE with her neighbor.
· Mar 22, 2021 · NottheBee.com

We have lost our minds. Gone are the men and women who would climb any mountain and sail any sea for the chance of adventure and a full life.

Now, the police will put you in your place if you dare to have any – and I mean any – interaction with humans outside your p̶ ̶r̶ ̶i̶ ̶s̶ ̶o̶ ̶n̶ ̶ home:

Here was what happened according to this talk radio host:

"She had a cup of tea outside with one of her neighbors, and one of her other neighbors decided to report her."

These "neighbors" are the worst kind of people.

The police showed up to interview her at 9:45 at night regarding the "incident."

Here's what the daughter had to say:

"My mother heard a knock at the door and it was very late and she wondered really who it could be. My mother is quite deaf and she asked who it was and she thought the voice said ‘It's me'. Then mother assumed it was in fact me and she then opened the door.

There were two officers stood there, a man and a woman with masks on, and they asked if they could come in and speak to her. They did not show her any identification so she just trusted the uniform and she was quite frightened.

My mother has never been in trouble with the police in her life.

When they were there, they told mother if it were to happen again she would be fined.Then they asked her to provide identification so she was rooting around trying to find some. Finally she ended up showing them an out of date drivers license as that is all she had."

I'll say it again:


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