Politico says Kamala's promise to ban fracking is a "Trump accusation" ... even though she's on tape saying she will ban fracking
· Jul 29, 2024 · NottheBee.com

There's a common theme to all of the pro-Kamala Harris propaganda the legacy media is pumping out: don't believe your own lying eyes, you dumb peasants.

  • Border czar? Kamala Harris never had anything to do with border policy!

  • Bailing out rioters? Kamala Harris was a prosecutor!

  • Afghanistan? Kamala Harris hasn't even been to Europe!

And then there's fracking.

This is just the latest example from one of many media outlets of them simply reinventing history and rebranding it as an invention of MAGA.

And who can forget the simple assumption that campaign officials are also fountains of truth?!

"... after Trump accusation."

"Trump's allegations."

We're supposed to believe that Kamala Harris's desire to ban fracking only exists deep inside Trump's imagination.

Except ... there's just one problem. She announced her plan to ban fracking on CNN and Jimmy Fallon's show.

Either Kamala Harris is lying (can you imagine?!), or else Trump's imagination has become so powerful that he's managed to go back in time and create deep fakes of the moderate Kamala Harris lying about fracking!


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