I knew something weird was up when I found myself un-iroincially agreeing with Andy Stanley who posted THIS after the blasphemous display at the Olympics.
Andy Stanley, of all people, went unexpectedly based by defending Christianity and the West from mockery.
In case you missed it:
It WAS an explicit mockery of Christ and the Last Supper, though they are obviously trying to deny it now.
Stanley instinctively recognized that it was mockery, and based on that instinct, said something true, brave, and based.
Which evangelical "pastors" aren't allowed to do anymore!
When you live in an Andy Stanley world, you can't let the truth live out in public for more than a few hours at a time.
(The truth might be mean)
Wild to think that, for a minute, it looked like he grew a spine.
Why should you care? Well, Andy Stanley pastors North Point Community Church in Georgia with 7 campuses and 33,000 congregants. He also founded North Point Ministries, one of the largest Christian organizations in America. His father was Charles Stanley, one of the most influential evangelical pastors of the last 100 years in shaping the moral fabric of America. He is the kind of pastor with enough influence to tell millions of people what God thinks about certain cultural and political issues.
And now that man platforms lap dances and gay-friendly conferences 👇
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇