Congratulations, America, we are now $35 trillion in debt!

Pop a bottle of champagne if you can afford it, folks. This is a huge milestone for our country!
Some details:
Today, the United States's national debt reached another alarming milestone - our national debt is a staggering $35 trillion …
This equates to:
$104,497 per person
$266,275 per household
$483,889 per child
The debt one year ago was $32.65 trillion, meaning that the debt has increased by $2.35 trillion over the past 12 months. This rate of increase equates to:
$196 billion in new debt per month
$6.4 billion in new debt per day
$268 million in new debt per hour
$4.5 million in new debt per minute
$74,401 in new debt per second
Here's the National Debt Clock website as of today at 1:30 EST:
Cheers, Americans! You're now, each and every one of you, $104,000 in debt!!
And that doesn't even include your private debts!
Good luck, everyone!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇