Politico warns Trump may dabble in "Christian nationalism" by protecting babies, forcing dads to "provide for their children," and guarding the border
· Feb 21, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Oh no, how scary! A second Trump administration might, just might, encourage proper family formation through dangerous Christian nationalism!

Everybody panic!

Tuesday morning, Politico dropped this bombshell accusation that a second Trump Administration might inject Christian nationalism into the White House.

An influential think tank close to Donald Trump is developing plans to infuse Christian nationalist ideas in his administration should the former president return to power, according to documents obtained by POLITICO.

Spearheading the effort is Russell Vought, who served as Trump's director of the Office of Management and Budget during his first term and has remained close to him. Vought, who is frequently cited as a potential chief of staff in a second Trump White House, is president of The Center for Renewing America (CRA) think tank, a leading group in a conservative consortium preparing for a second Trump term.

So this story is all about how the CRA is going to run the Donald Trump White House and push scary Christian nationalism because some people have a wild idea that the country has turned anti-Christian lately.

Gee, I wonder where they got that idea?

The CRA is a conservative think tank. They're pro-America, pro-Christianity, pr-family, and anti-illegal immigration. You know, like most sane people. But for Politico these are strange and extreme ideas.

Conservatives are supposed to roll over, and not fight back. Especially wimpy conservatives (historically, the entire GOP leadership).

Vought has a close affiliation with Christian nationalist William Wolfe, a former Trump administration official who has advocated for overturning same-sex marriage, ending abortion and reducing access to contraceptives...

Vought often echoes Wolfe's principles, including on immigration. 'Jesus Christ wasn't an open-borders socialist,' Wolfe wrote for The Daily Caller in April while a visiting CRA fellow. 'The Bible unapologetically upholds the concept of sovereign nations.'

Man, this guy sounds dangerous! He opposes socialism and unrestricted immigration and he does so as a Christian! We all know the only real Christians are open-border Christians who think Jesus was a commie!

Yeah, they're scared because someone understands the Bible and doesn't just follow the cultural dictates of the day.

Wolfe, who has deleted several posts on X that detail his views, has a more extreme outlook of what a government led by Christian nationalists should propose. In a December post, he called for ending sex education in schools, surrogacy and no-fault divorce throughout the country, as well as forcing men 'to provide for their children as soon as it's determined the child is theirs' — a clear incursion by the government into Americans' private lives.

'Christians should reject a Christ-less "conservatism,'" he expanded in another X missive, 'and demand the political movement we are most closely associated with make a return to Christ-centered foundations. Because it's either Christ or chaos, even on the ‘Right.'"

Now, remember, the whole idea here is that these very conservative ideas from William Wolfe are also held by Vought and will therefore be policy in the Trump White House.

As much as you do or do not want that to be true, remember that Donald Trump is a moderate - he doesn't care about ending all abortion, he doesn't care much about LGBT issues, and he's not a big social politics guy. He's shown no signs of repentance (actually saying he sees no need for it personally) or a declaration that he follows Jesus Christ (and dodges the question on faith whenever he is asked). He's pretty much your normal freedom-loving American from 10 years ago.

But we're supposed to believe his second term will usher in a new constitution that will install a Christian theocracy??

Does anyone really think that will happen? No.

What's happening is that Trump doesn't hate Christians. He doesn't hate regular Americans who have an issue with divorce or abortion or surrogacy and respect God in heaven above.

That alone terrifies the Left.

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