Poll suggests decline in American Christianity directly linked to collapse of marriage and fatherhood
· Sep 27, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Who woulda guessed it? The Left's destruction of the nuclear family is resulting in the desired end: The collapse of Christianity.

This study by Communio, a nonprofit focused on Christianity, churches, and strengthening the family, finds that the decline in Christianity is a result of the decline in healthy marriages and lack of male leadership in families.

Here's part of the executive summary:

To evangelize fruitfully in the twenty-first century, we must reverse the declining number of marriages, improve marital health, and increase the effectiveness of fathers in those marriages. By addressing these three issues, we can spark a sustained revival in Christian faith and active church attendance.

So you're telling me when we let post-modernists influence the Church in the name of niceness and progress, the results radically hurt future generations?

The Christian Post has the story on the study, and the results here really shouldn't be surprising, especially given the importance placed on family, fatherhood, and male leadership in Scripture.

Overall, the survey found that 80% of church attendees grew up in a home where their mother and father stayed married, a trend that remained true regardless of age. In addition, 87% of all 25- to 29-year-old never-married men in church had parents who remained married.

"So what this means is folks in church on Sunday are categorically more likely to have grown up with a resident dad in the home than someone who is not in church on Sunday," De Gance (Founder and President of Communio) said.

Well, would you look at that? Fathers matter!

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De Gance also referenced a study of the religious "nones" and used the information from that study to make these claims:

One of the study's most notable findings, according to De Gance, is that adults who reported a close relationship with their fathers were more likely to report having the same faith as their parents by 25 percentage points.

On the other hand, the study found that a closer relationship with their mother did not appear to have a statistical effect on whether an adult had the same faith as their parents.

It turns out that mothers, while equally crucial, don't have the same impact on the next generation in the way that fathers do.

Even if the societal issues driving the decline in marriage and the increase in fatherlessness were magically fixed tomorrow, it would take decades for the damage to be undone.

Again, from the study:

Family decline appears to fuel faith decline. This study concludes that the overall population of the religious nones is unlikely to stabilize until 25-30 years after family structure has stabilized.

It took decades for the results to be seen, but now they are undeniable.

Our modern society is the direct result of absent fathers and collapsed marriages. We're going to need more than feel-good marriage retreats and political policy to turn things around.

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