President Biden is missing the G-20 leaders dinner because he needs some rest
· Nov 15, 2022 ·

President Biden is old, you guys. Like, really old. So when I found out he had to call an early lid and didn't make it to the G-20 dinner in Indonesia, I just wasn't surprised at all.

I mean, are you?

Yup, the President of The United States of America called it a lid before 8 p.m. during an event with the world's most prestigious leaders because he's got a cold or something.

Or, since dude's on like his fourth booster, we'll find out in a few days that he's actually come down with Covid…AGAIN!

Biden was scheduled to attend the G-20 gala dinner at Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park in Bali, along with a cultural event, but he missed both and returned to his hotel earlier in the night.

"It's not COVID," an unnamed White House staffer told pool reporter Geoff Earle, of the Daily Mail. "He just had spent a full day in meetings and needed to attend to a few things tonight (nothing urgent!). He spoke to [Indonesian President Joko] Widodo to send his regrets about missing the dinner and Widodo said it was not an issue and P looks forward to seeing him at the mangrove thing tomorrow."

Biden is scheduled to participate in a mangrove tree planting with G-20 leaders on Wednesday.

COVID-19 was top of mind because Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen tested positive for the virus just days after meeting with Biden. However, Biden tested negative on Tuesday morning and was not considered a close contact. The White House said previously Biden had a cold.

By the way, just because Biden tested negative for Covid doesn't mean he's in the clear. He'll need to test for a few more days to be sure he avoided the virus in Cambodia.

Here's Peter Doocy reporting on Biden's dinner rain check:

A national embarrassment.

While I truly wish President Biden the best, I just cannot fathom the idea of an American president hitting the hay before dinnertime while he's supposed to be meeting with other world leaders.

It's just not what American leaders do.

Though, it is what grandpas do.

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