Pro tip: If you're applying for a job with the sheriff's department, don't drive to the interview drunk
· Jul 5, 2023 ·

Nicole Sniadecki of Plymouth, Indiana, applied for a job with the Marshall County Sheriff's Department. Her interview started at 9:00 AM, and she arrived early.

(Being on time is a smart move when interviewing for a job. It shows you're responsible.)

However, Nicole did make one interview faux pas. She decided to tie one on that morning and arrived drunk. That's right, at 9:00 in the morning, our girl got up, got dressed for a job interview, and got trashed.

Now, to be fair, job interviews make some people nervous, and maybe Linda was just trying to take the edge off.

On the other hand, she was interviewing with the sheriff's department, and her interviewer, Captain Jack Snyder, noticed that her speech was slurred and she smelled like alcohol. He asked if she had been drinking that morning and if she drove there under the influence.

Maybe she thought this was all part of the interview process because she replied, "Yes."

Snyder then ordered a breathalyzer test, which showed a result of .158, well beyond the legal limit.

She was arrested and booked on DUI charges.

No word on whether she got the job or not.

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