Project Veritas strikes again! This teacher is in Antifa and says he has only “180 days” to indoctrinate children into “revolutionaries." As always, there's video evidence.
· Sep 1, 2021 ·

Okay you guys, get ready to pretend – pretend really hard – to be surprised, because the actual journalists at Project Veritas just released a video on a public school teacher from California who is about as left wing as they come.

Let me tell you a bit about the teacher, Mr. Gipe, before I show you this video.

  • Mr. Gipe teaches AP Government at Inderkum High School in Sacramento.
  • Mr Gipe belongs to Antifa and enjoys getting his students involved in left-wing political activism. He even gives them extra credit for it.
  • Mr. Gipe posts a schedule every month of all the left-wing political events going on in the area so his kids know where to go to earn their extra credit and become commies.
  • Mr. Gipe hangs an Antifa flag in his classroom, along with two separate pride flags and a poster of Mao Zedong. I did not see the American flag in any of the photos of his classroom, and I'm assuming there's just not one.
  • Mr. Gipe is a huge fan of Mao's China and is going to visit that beautiful nation in April.
  • Oh yeah, Mr. Gipe says he's not the only teacher at his school who is a Marxist. So that's cool too.

Okay that was a lot. Here, check out this great work from the awesome folks over at Project Veritas:

Project Veritas is just killing it. For real. They're exposing the left for what they really are: a bunch of con artists who want to control the youth of our nation and turn them into left-wing revolutionaries.

And real quick, let me hit on this before I send you to the exit video. Let's just quote Mr. Gipe word for word here, shall we?

I'm probably as far left as you can go... I've gone down those deep dark rabbit holes where the idea of adventurism and just being like "why aren't people just like taking up arms?" ...taking up arms like against the state. And we have historical examples of that happening and them getting crushed and being martyrs for a cause. And it's like okay, well, it's slow going because it takes massive amounts of organization.

Okay, so can we get the FBI in here to take care of this actual person who is an actual insurrectionist at heart?

Didn't think so.

I forget sometimes that insurrection in 2021 just means breaking into the Capitol dressed as a buffalo while tripping on acid...

Okay, now here's the cringe video of Project Veritas catching up with Mr. & Mrs. Gipe on what had probably been a pleasant dog walk until the good guys showed up.

So yeah, I think we have ourselves an embarrassed commie (he's LITERALLY wearing a sickle & hammer shirt) who knows he's taking advantage of the youth because their minds are easily manipulated and therefore they can attach themselves to idiotic ideas like communism.

What a loser!!!!

Oh, one last thing: did you notice this bro's Ingsoc tat?

That's some literal, actual "1984" stuff right there!

This dude apparently thinks Ingsoc, the evil, totalitarian government of Oceania in Orwell's book "1984," are great. That should tell you all you need to know.

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