Pure Jubilation! Watch As These Kids Erupt Into Joyous Rapture When Their Teacher Announces End To Mask Mandate
· Feb 11, 2022 · NottheBee.com

This video is out of Nevada and it shows just how much kids absolutely hate having to wear masks.

This teacher announced to her classroom that the masking ends tomorrow and the room absolutely erupts!

These kids have suffered for way, way too long with these muzzles over their faces.

We saw a similar scene earlier this year when a teacher in Israel filmed her classroom as she announced an end to mask mandates in the classroom, back in June. Their reaction was one of pure, unadulterated joy.

Translation via Google:

Students in Israel are told that they no longer need to wear masks. The reaction of the children says it all.

This brings joy and heartbreak all at once. The fact that these kids have been kept in masks all this time is infuriating.

But seeing the joy on these kids' faces makes your heart jump for joy now that they have been freed.

Unmask the kids!

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