I absolutely LOVE this tweet from Michael P. Senger:
Yup, the Queen has Covid, y'all.
And it seems like she's doing just fine, which is great news.
But check this out. It looks like she might be seeing the same doctor as Joe Rogan:
In case you missed that little shot at 19 seconds…
Yup, a "new" medicine.
That "horse dewormer."
Somebody tell CNN!!!

The outlet that featured this clip, Nine Network, immediately apologized, because how dare they feature a Nobel-Prize-winning medicine with anti-viral properties that has many proponents in the scientific community???
A Nine spokesperson said the shot of stromectol "shouldn't have been included" and was the "result of human error".
"We did not intend to suggest Dr Mukesh Hawikerwal endorsed ‘stromectol'," the spokesperson said on Tuesday.
"We've apologised to him this morning and he has accepted that apology. We do not suggest the Queen is using ivermectin."