Listen up, folks: It's never been easier to pull your kids out of government education and homeschool them!

Jesse James

Jan 9, 2022

Admit it, it's been a crazy two years: You've seen your kids' schools shuttered for months and months on end, then subject to capricious open-and-close routines at the whims of seemingly uncaring bureaucrats and teachers' unions, and meanwhile when the schools are actually open they seem to be force-feeding your kids a toxic diet of critical race theory and anti-American garbage.

Well, I've got one word for you:

That's right! There's never been a better time to rescue your kids from a terrible education and give them the inestimable gift of homeschooling!

Now, maybe you're one of the lucky families who have had to deal with little-to-no school closures this year, and/or your school curriculum is such that your kids are getting a first-rate education and they're happy where they are.

But for those of you who are deeply unhappy with their education situations, homeschool is there, just waiting for you. Consider:

  • Legally speaking, it's never been easier to homeschool. Once upon a time it was much harder to get your kids into home education; local and state bureaucrats were aggressively hostile towards it, and the laws weren't on the side of families wishing to homeschool. Well, these days the bureaucrats are still intensely hostile toward homeschooling, but—thanks to countless stalwart activists along with indispensable organizations like the Home School Legal Defense Association—the laws are much more favorable toward families.
  • Practically speaking, it's never been easier to homeschool. Families wishing to homeschool even fifteen years ago often had to build an entire curriculum from scratch or else rely on a small number of ready-made curricula packages. These days, with countless Internet resources and innumerable companies catering to homeschoolers, every family can pick and choose programs and materials that work precisely for them. The options are limitless.
  • Culturally speaking, it's never been easier to homeschool. Not very long ago homeschooling was regarded as the province of socially awkward nerds, survivalist weirdos and far-flung religious sects. That was wrong then and the evidence has never been more clear: Families from every walk of life now homeschool their children. Liberal, conservative, black, white, rich, poor, you name it—everyone's getting in on it.

Many people are quick to express doubts or objections to homeschooling. "Will my kids get adequately 'socialized'?" (Of course they will, just let them hang out with their friends.) "I can't possibly teach my kids what they're supposed to learn." (Yeah, you probably can, and if you can't you can find someone who can.) "We don't have the time or money for it." (If you're determined to do it, you'll find both.)

The bottom line is: Homeschooling is easily within many peoples' reach. If you're unhappy with the way your kids are being educated, consider taking their education into your own hands!

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