Freshman congresswoman Lauren Boebert was on a Zoom call for a House Natural Resources Committee and had the most on-brand background you can imagine.
Yep. Just a half-dozen haphazardly-placed guns on the bookshelf.
You'll remember Rep. Boebert is the congresswoman who made headlines for requesting permission to carry her Glock at the Capitol.
So you KNOW she's just doing this to troll everyone. She probably had a few minutes before the call started, so she grabbed an armful of guns and just tossed 'em all on the shelf.
But, of course, some suckers took the bait. And expressed their vErY sEriOus concerns over gun safety.
Like California Democratic Rep. Katie Porter who tried to get the hashtag #SafeStorage trending.
Or HuffPo bro Matt Fuller who called it a "gun shrine." Which, to be fair, it kinda is an eensy bit of a gun shrine.
Boebert eventually responded with even more cheeky trolling.
Listen, I have my own thoughts on representatives doing what basically amounts to publicity stunts.
*cough* AOC's entire schtick *cough*
But I most certainly am a fan of Boebert's standing up for 2A rights. And who among us cannot respect her truly epic troll game?