Report: Justice Sotomayor's staff "prodded" libraries and colleges into buying her books so she could earn $3.7 million
· Jul 11, 2023 ·

All apologies to Ketanji Brown Jackson, but the dumbest lady on the Supreme Court is also pretty corrupt, apparently.

And this isn't corrupt like Alito and Thomas having rich friends who just agree with them on policy. This is actual abuse of her position for financial gain.

She's making millions of dollars by booking talks at leftist institutions and, in addition to paying her to speak, her staff insists that they buy her memoir and children's books as well.

Because what's the point of being on the highest court in the land if you can't abuse your unearned position for financial gain?

In her case, the documents reveal repeated examples of taxpayer-funded court staff performing tasks for the justice's book ventures, which workers in other branches of government are barred from doing. But when it comes to promoting her literary career, Sotomayor is free to do what other government officials cannot because the Supreme Court does not have a formal code of conduct, leaving the nine justices to largely write and enforce their own rules.

So, according to the leftwing Associated Press, we're paying her staff to work over colleges and libraries to buy thousands of her books that nobody wants to read.

There's probably some old Latino proverb about this that Sotomayor could avail us of.

For a price, of course.

Supreme Court staffers have been deeply involved in organizing speaking engagements intended to sell books. That is conduct prohibited for members of Congress and the executive branch, who are barred under ethics rules from using government resources, including staff, for personal financial gain. Lower federal court judges are also instructed to not "lend the prestige of the judicial office to advance" their "private interests."

But those rules are for conservatives. Not for the libs, I guess.

It's insane that Clarence Thomas can hang out with personal friends who happen to be wealthy and conservative and somehow it's the biggest scandal in the world. But Sonia Sotomayor can hawk her books, using her staff in an unethical manner, and the reaction of everyone is just to shrug it off.

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