Report: Two evangelists in Uganda were beaten to a pulp by Muslims who demanded they denounce Christ
ยท Jun 3, 2024 ยท

Reports from Africa say two Christian evangelists were beaten unconscious and left "in a pool of blood."

They survived the attack, but are still recovering weeks later in the hospital.

Samuel Mukiibi, 27, and Ephraim Duula, 25, in the last six years have led several Muslims to Christ. They were attacked on May 16 near Naigombwa swamp near Bukwanga village, Iganga Sub-County in Iganga District, in eastern Uganda.

They said they were leaving an evangelistic outreach event but were stopped by a group of 3 Muslim men who blocked the road, forced them out of the car, and demanded that they renounce Christ under threat of pain.

'They stopped us and asked us to renounce Jesus Christ, whom we were preaching at Naigombwa trading center for four days,' Mukiibi told Morning Star News. 'At the same time, they wanted to forcefully circumcise us as per Islamic teaching for us to live. We totally refused, and they started beating us badly with sharp objects and left us unconscious in a coma in a pool of blood.'

The assailants took their Bibles and Gospel tracts, he said.

A couple of motorcyclists happened upon the scene and brought the men to the hospital, where they regained consciousness. One of the cyclists knew their pastor and notified him.

'We found the two evangelists bleeding seriously, picked up Mukiibi's phone and rung the pastor who came to the hospital immediately,' Dauson said.

The Muslim minority in Uganda carries out multiple violent attacks on Christians each year. The Allied Democratic Forces, a partner of the Islamic State, has killed dozens in the last year alone, murdering an entire tourist bus last June, killing 37 children in a school last October, and killing 13 people in a village right before Christmas.

Attacks on churches are commonplace and increasing in frequency.

For Samuel and Ephraim, I hope they feel honored to join the many who have suffered for Christ.

'Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul and dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead. But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city.' - Acts 14:19-20a

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