Lil Nas X claims he's entering his "Christian era," but no matter how many times I watch his new video I still can't believe it's not satire
· Dec 5, 2023 ·

I'm terribly sorry, but before we get into Lil Nas X's new "Christian era," I must show you a few things from the past.


Second, and this is the one I'm sorry for: An image from one of his "famous" music videos where Lil Nas X has sexual relations with Satan.

I left out the video entirely. You're welcome.

Lil Nas X loves to play with hellfire, so can someone please explain to me why he's claiming to be on some new "Christian era"? Because as much as I want to hope this man would come around to Jesus, I just can't find it in me to believe he actually is, especially considering the attire and getup here.


Christian era?!?!

Yeah, not so sure you're looking for God here, at least the God I know. Maybe you're looking for some sort of pagan god or something?

Because the God I know would very much prefer me to leave my sin behind and follow Christianity. And just by your looks alone here I know you haven't left your sin behind, so this cannot, in any way, be a "Christian era" for you, Mr. Nas X.

Even singer Tyrese chimed in on this one:

Very much agreed.

Lil Nas X, I know you'll complain that we always condemn your work, but this goes too far. You're either mocking Christianity or just so lost that you don't know what to do with yourself.

I'll put my money on the former, but if you're actually trying to make a change, well, it's not a great start. Sin leads to death, and the only way to avoid this death is to erase your sin.

Only one person can do that for you, my man.

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