A new way to stop climate change just dropped!
ยท Dec 19, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

The scientists have figured it out! They've found another source of global warming and this time it's got an easy solution!

Yes, all we need to stop global warming is for you to stop breathing!

Only then can the planet be saved!

Humans may be fueling global warming by breathing, a new study suggests.

"Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming," according to research released last week in the UK journal PLOS.

The methane and nitrous oxide exhaled by humans make up about 0.1 of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions, the write-up said.

Yes, you're breathing, which exhales methane, sometimes (burps), and your flatulence is contributing to the climate crisis.

So we all just need to stop breathing for a while to save the planet!

Okay, yeah, some of this is tongue-in-cheek from us, but there's a large portion of climate activists that truly think people are a blight on the planet and that the world would be better off without humans.

Here's the real point of this study though:

The study did not reveal a link between exhaled gases and diet.

"Concentration enhancement of both CH4 and N2O in the breath of vegetarians and meat consumers are similar in magnitude," the researchers said. "Based on these results, we can state that, when estimating emissions from a population within the UK, diet or future diet changes are unlikely to be important when estimating emissions [exhale] across the UK as a whole."

It wasn't as much about the impact breathing has on greenhouse gases: Seems like it was looking to see if science could justify getting people to eat the bug salads instead of delicious bacon and steak.

Oh well.

Anyway, we now have a definitive way to reduce our emissions by 0.1%, and anyone can do it.

Climate activists like Greta: Lead us by example!

Just hold your breath until the world gets colder.

Let us know how that works out for you!

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