Once you become the dominant species, don't help any other species get a leg up on you.
I guess nobody told that to the scientists at Ben-Gurion University:
Scientists have trained goldfish to drive a vehicle around a room — and steer towards fishy treats.
The creatures can maneuver a specially designed Fish Operated Vehicle by swimming in certain directions in a small tank mounted in place of a driver's seat.
The pioneering FOV reacts to a fish's movements in the water to accelerate, turn and stop.
Yeah, today the fish can "accelerate, turn and stop." Tomorrow it will be able to "command an army, take over NORAD, dominate the world." Logical progression.
Here's video of the fish learning how to become an apex predator:
It's cute! And you know what those intrepid scientists are gonna wake up to one morning? Yeah:

I especially feel sorry for the pescatarians—the folks who gave up meat but kept eating fish. They're gonna be extra-brutal on ya'll.
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