Lloyd Austin was hospitalized after a secret surgery he didn't tell ANYONE about, leaving us without a defense secretary for a week. Check out the reactions.
Β· Jan 8, 2024 Β· NottheBee.com

This is maybe one of the most bizarre stories to ever emerge from the Biden three-ring circus in DC.

Lloyd Austin, our secretary of defense, decided to have some undisclosed (to the public AND his employer) elective surgery during the New Year break. This then sent him to the ICU. He remains in the hospital even now, more than a week later.


He didn't even tell the #2 person at the DoD about the surgery! She learned after Austin had to go back to the hospital!

Americans when they realize our military leaders can't even coordinate schedules:

The Pentagon's No. 2 official didn't learn that her boss was hospitalized Jan. 1 until four days after she had assumed some of his duties, U.S. military officials said Sunday, deepening the mystery of why Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized and why he hid his medical situation from senior defense officials and even President Biden until days after he was admitted.

We are run by the kinds of geniuses who would schedule an elective surgery while their only backup was on scheduled leave out of the country.

In this clip, our esteemed Secretary of State Anthony Blinken says he didn't know anything about Austin's 4-night ICU stay. But he then goes into praise mode, talking about just how wonderful Lloyd Austin is:



But the adults are back in charge!

President Trump weighed in on the Austin debacle over the weekend:

(If you think for a second that Biden is going to fire Austin for dereliction of duty then I've got some beachfront property in Arizona to sell you.)

"Even apparently the National Security Council didn't know it, the White House didn't know it, Congress didn't know it," said Sen. James Lankford, Republican of Oklahoma, Sunday on Fox. "We're at a time of a lot of turmoil internationally and suddenly had a secretary of Defense, more than just a matter of wasn't there, actually sent over false information saying β€˜I'm working from home' when he's not actually available at all," he said. "That's a whole different issue."

This whole situation is just incredibly weird and, thanks to Austin's desire for privacy, incredibly shadowy.

Strange how the man who required you to get an experimental vaccine to serve in his military is now suddenly all about health autonomy and privacy.

But seriously ... folks, do you think these people are capable of protecting you? That IS their job, after all.

As of the latest reports, Austin has taken back over duties as sec def; however, he remains hospitalized at Walter Reed.

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