You guys, the Left totally doesn't want to outlaw hunting and would never contribute to such a thing. No way they'd ever take that route to disarm us (wink wink).
Oh, never mind. Left-wing activist anti-gun "researchers" would do such a thing. Didn't see that coming!
The researchers sought to investigate 'the association between the start of deer hunting season and shootings in rural counties of the US.'
They compared shootings during the first three weeks of deer season to a week prior to the season opener. The authors claim there was a 'substantial increase in shootings' during the start of deer season, which they said calls for additional gun control, of course.
Oh, you mean that there is an increase in shootings - the vast majority involving negligent discharge - during the few weeks a year that our government overlords allow people to hunt deer???

But nevermind all that. The real problem here is guns, of course!
To give you a little context on the "research," here's what the "researchers" had to say about their main source for this nonsense "study":
Our study relies on shooting data from a single source, the GVA. Data from GVA have been shown to have a bias toward incidents that receive more media attention and do not include comprehensive counts of firearm suicides.
This doesn't matter, because in the eyes of a communist, the ends justify the means, the means here being the use of shoddy research. The ends, well, I think we all know what they're trying to accomplish here.
Let's look briefly at the study:
Don't forget, gun violence is a "serious public health threat," according to the director of the CDC, so this isn't just random "research" we're talking about here. They want as many bans as they can get.
Patrick Sharkey is the first author listed in the "study," and here's a bit about him:
According to his Princeton bio, Sharkey's research focuses on 'urban inequality, violence, and public policy.' He is also the creator of, a website that claims it provides 'comprehensive, updated data on violence from as many of the largest 100 largest U.S. cities as possible.', like Sharkey's recent study, relies upon debunked data. 'In the latest iteration of the site we have drawn more heavily on data on fatal and nonfatal shootings published by the Gun Violence Archive, an excellent resource that has tracked all forms of gun violence in the United States over time,' the website states. is funded by Arnold Ventures. A story published earlier this month revealed that Arnold Ventures is a Houston-based for-profit corporation founded by billionaires Laura and John Arnold, who quietly bankroll research that promotes and supports their radical anti-gun views. Arnold Ventures and its companion foundation have more than $3.5 billion in assets, and regularly fund anti-gun research at Princeton and other colleges and universities.
According to the Laura and John Arnold Foundation's 2022 IRS form 990, the couple spent $1.7 million on anti-gun research, including $1,065,933 to Sharkey's employer, Princeton University, 'to develop a research infrastructure that helps cities better understand and respond to waves of gun violence.'
So these "researchers" would be better described as activists.
This link I'm about to show you seems to be broken, but you can get a bit of an idea for what the motives of Arnold Ventures might be by looking at it.
Don't get mad, get money to do research with "guns are bad" as your conclusion.
And this JAMA Pediatrics study pretending that deer hunting causes gun violence is just the perfect example of this.
Nowhere in the report do the researchers mention the dangers associated with an overabundance of deer, which would occur if hunting was banned or reduced.
What a bunch of dummies.
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