Let me break down this parody video of a woke future Disney ride that is unbelievably funny and scary at the same freaking time

Joel Abbott

Aug 10, 2021

I assume this will be the ride we all take on the way to the gulags.

Make sure to pay attention to the lyrics, and then we'll go through some of the insane level of detail in this video:

Pretty crazy, right?? Props to the maker of this video for showcasing the absurdity and dang nightmarishness of the woke worldview.

Let's point out a few things you might have missed.

First, we have our sign telling white people that they have to wait longer than people of color. As woke prophet Ibram X. Kendi says, the only way to make up for hurting people in the past is to hurt people in the present!

Next is one of my favorites. A giant sign that says "timeliness is next to whiteyness." I assume this is a nod to the display at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture that described things like punctuality and hard work as part of "whiteness."

Next, we get a peek at who's sponsoring the whole exhibit, and it's 100% on point.

Then there's "Camp Re-Education"...

which is clearly a shoutout to our favorite critical race hustler:

Don't forget the "equitable" park admission, which may be way more expensive but is "equal" for everyone!

Next, we have our favorite woke public figures from the "Hall of Oppression," like Colin Kaepernick and Gwen Berry. and You gotta love it!

My favorite is LeBron just flopping there on the ground. Amazing.

After a quick shot of Obama and a warning from Lincoln...

...we come to the REALLY haunting stuff.

Look at this graveyard depicting the tens of millions of people killed by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party.

Even more brutal are the Chinese and Uyghur slaves working to make Disney toys while Mulan films on a bright screen in the foreground.

There's also the Wuhan lab with two scientists playing volleyball with Covid, just for fun. The only element missing is the esteemed Dr. Fauci!

Next, there's two mounties arresting Pastor Art Pawlowski, the Calgary minister who grew up in communist Poland and warned people on social media about the rise of totalitarianism through Covid mandates.

Pastor Pawlowski was harassed and arrested by Canadian police for refusing to shut down his church after more than a year of endless lockdowns.

Moving on, there's Snow White handing over the keys to her castle to the new Princess Patrisse Cullors, also known as the BLM founder who recently bought several homes, including a $1.4 million villa in SoCal.

* * *

Toward the end of this insane ride, we get migrants crossing our wide-open southern border, BLM and Antifa rioting in cities, and Orwellian posters telling us to mind our thoughtcrimes.

I'll leave you with the ending lyrics.

We're all Marxists after all!

We're all Marxists after all!

We're all Marxists after all!

It's a woke world after all!

P.S. Have a laugh: Watch our newest video showing gaffemaster Joe Biden's "most profound and inspirational quotes" 😆:

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