"Sound of Freedom" has officially raked in more money than Disney's new Indiana Jones flick at the North American box office. Jordan Peterson has a question.
· Aug 17, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Yep, you read that right.

The faith-based budget film "Sound of Freedom" has surpassed the fifth installment of the Disney property and movie juggernaut "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny."

"Sound of Freedom" has been decried as a QAnon conspiracy by lefties and the success of the movie has really bothered a certain demographic of progressives who think that we shouldn't be talking about child sex trafficking for some reason.

People even posted videos from numerous theaters claiming the businesses had turned off the AC or made up technical errors to suppress the film.

Despite the supposed suppression, Sound of Freedom has been a huge success, taking in $173,440,252 at the domestic box office, according to Box Office Mojo by IMDb. That figure, (correct as of August 16, 2023) movies it into the top 10 movies of the year financially, squeezing out Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny which has taken $172,775,069.

"Sound of Freedom" was made on a $14.5 million budget. "Dial of Destiny" cost a reported $295 million, meaning it has barely recouped its costs worldwide.

This is an Indiana Jones movie, people! Do you realize how insane this all is??

You can rest assured that Disney is ticked off that this independent film is going gangbusters and kicking Harrison Ford's tail.

Jordan Peterson called out Disney directly, which caused the folks over at Newsweek to bristle.

Here's JBP's tweet:

JBP wants Disney to drop woke and make movies that appeal to everyone. Not a bad idea if you're into making money over ideology.

Psychologist and conservative influencer Peterson has become a vocal opponent of Disney in recent times, often sharing content that shows how the company has become "woke" in some people's view.

Wait. Jordan Peterson thinks that Disney has gone "woke"???

I think JBP isn't alone.

Maybe woke Disney needs to pay attention to what people want and make good stories again.

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