States are starting to run out of gas and the end of days might be upon us, but boy are the memes a hoot
· May 11, 2021 ·

The Colonial Pipeline that supplies half the gas to southeastern America has been shut down for five days due to a cyberattack by a Russian group holding the system for ransom. As a result, gas stations across multiple states are running out of fuel.

I've been told this is okay though because our intelligence community was busy with other, more important threats, like Trump voters.

Here are just a few posts about the long lines and empty pumps:

Although gas stations going dry and pipelines getting hacked is never a sign of a healthy society, I'm sure Joe Biden is already on the case and we'll all be saved by the government soon!

I'm also completely certain that Americans learned not to panic buy from the great TP shortage of 2020.

In the meantime, the memes of this misfortunate situation make the pain just a little bit better:

[Warning: Language]

See you all on the other side of Gaspocalypse 2021!

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