Steven Crowder just released what he says is the Nashville shooter's manifesto. If true, it's even worse than I imagined.
· Nov 6, 2023 ·

Ladies and gentlemen, stories like this have to be prefaced with a Jupiter sized "allegedly" up front, so understand that this news release from Steven Crowder hasn't been verified by anyone except Steven Crowder (and also, well, Alex Jones).

It has been SEVEN MONTHS since the Covenant School shooting in Nashville, Tennessee by a young woman who was crossdressing like a man. We've known since nearly the first day that she left the manifesto in her car, along with journals, but we've never seen said manifesto and no motive for the shooting spree has been released.

This was from April 27:

It's November 6!

Crowder noted the oddity of no details being released to the public before he debuted what is (again, REPORTEDLY) 3 pages from the shooter's diary/manifesto.

Here are the photos:

[Warning: Highly Disturbing, Unverified, Explicit Material]

UPDATE: Something is going on with the original Twitter/X link and it is not displaying properly. It can still be seen here:

There's some language on those pages, so I've transcribed them for you here if you don't want to click through:

Page 1:

DEATH DAY 3/27/23

Today is the day, the day has finally come! I can't believe it's here. Don't know how I was able to get this far, but here I am.

I'm a little nervous, but excited too. Been excited for the past two weeks. There were several times I could have been caught, especially back in the summer of 2021. None of that matters now. I'm almost an hour & 7 minutes away. Can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm ready...

I hope my victims aren't. My only fear is if anything goes wrong, I'll do my best to prevent [illegible] of the sort.

God let my wrath take over my anxiety. It might be 10 minutes tops. It might be 3-7. It's gonna go quick. I hope I have a high death count. Ready to die haha.


Kill those kids!!!

those cr***ers going to fancy schools

with those fancy khakis & sports backpacks

w/ their daddies mustangs & convertibles

f*** you little s****

I wish to shoot you weak a** d**** w/ your mop yellow hair

wanna kill all you little cr***ers!!!

Bunch of little f****ts w/ your white privileges

f*** you f****ts



6:30 - Desired [cut off]

7:00am - Get dressed

7:05am - 8:55am [Cut off] w/ stuffed animals + possessions

9:00am - Eat breakfast at home

9:30am - Pack up special belongings in backpack(s)

9:50 - test knife car glass breaker (dad's old cars)

10:00am - Leave for Royal Range (19-20 min)

10:20am - Gear up + set up guns in trunk (assemble) + get out vest (w/mags inside)

11:20am - Final video tape (10 min)


11:35am - Leave for Covenant School

12:00pm Arrive at Covenant (check parking lot for security)

12:05 - Arrive in designated parking space

12:05-12:10 prepare for attack

[illegible] lock + load all weapons

12:33 open fire towards SW entrance

Time 2 die XXX

This is horrific stuff.

But we're not allowed to talk about it, because the shooter was a young woman who identified as transgender and shot a bunch of Christian school kids.

If the FBI and local police cared about the truth, public safety, and our national discourse, they would either disprove or verify Crowder's report by releasing the manifesto in their possession.


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