Like many American cities, crime in Los Angeles is spiraling out of control. And the powers-that-be there want the city's residents to know that they are fine with it and they're not going to change anything:
Where the United States was once considered a paragon of free and fair elections, now it seems more dubious procedures are calling into question the results of another referendum, this time concerning the effort to recall Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon.
Gascon, who has made it clear he doesn't understand the concept of crime and punishment, faced his second recall after a 2021 effort failed just weeks into his tenure. In order to put the newest effort on the ballot in November, 566,857 signatured were needed.
The county received more than enough at 715,000+, but a whopping 30 percent of those signatures were rejected, resulting in the acceptance of only 520,050. So, the effort to unseat the soft-on-crime DA has failed yet again, much to the peril of the citizens of LA, but at least the criminals in the City of Angels can rest easy tonight.
California registers when you bring them a ton of recall signatures:

It's true that 30 percent is a huge number of signatures to invalidate. What's even more notable, of course, is that the number of invalidated signatories brings the total number of useable signatures juuuuust under what the recallers need — by less than 10 percent, actually.

Active and determined citizens could give this another shot or they could also just get the heck out of Los Angeles County — whichever's easier!
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