Watch college swimmer completely embarrass a Ph.D. anthropologist and expose the degradation of American academics with one question:
Here's a better angle of the audience's reaction:
Riley Gaines has not only dealt with delusional men in the locker room, but now she's dealing with them in Q&A sessions.
This "anthropologist" honestly wants us to believe that you couldn't look at a skeleton as an expert and determine whether or not it belonged to a man or a woman!
Riley: So, if you were to dig up... two humans... a hundred years from now, both man and woman, could you tell the difference?
Expert: No!
Expert: I'm not sure why I'm being laughed at! I'm the expert... I have a Ph.D.!
Umm, yeah, that's actually EXACTLY why they're laughing at you.
These college kids see that someone can get a Ph.D. in anthropology and still turn out to be a brainwashed woke idiot. This is embarrassing for this guy and should be even more embarrassing to whatever school awarded this guy his Ph.D.
And they want us to "trust the experts."