How it started:
How it's going:
Police say a 19-year-old Austrian citizen, which means nothing unless we know what the guy looks like, pledged loyalty to ISIS in July and had chemical ordnance in his house that he planned to use in an attack on the venue (and potentially elsewhere). Another suspect was arrested as well.
Bro, Muhammed, let me let you in on a secret: You don't mess with the Swifties. Do you understand that T-Swift is literally a modern goddess to tens of millions of women who are searching for spiritual experiences?
I mean it: Hell hath no fury like a postmodern girlboss scorned!!
Swift was due to play three shows in Vienna between Thursday, August 8 and Saturday, August 10. Those dates were cancelled on Wednesday, according to Barracuda Music, the promoter for Swift's concerts in Austria.
Fans will get their tickets refunded within 10 days, which is hardly compensation for wasting months of planning and missing out on the biggest entertainment destination of the century.
(Some American women are even flying to other countries to see these concerts because it's easier/cheaper to get tickets!)
'With confirmation from government officials of a planned terrorist attack at Ernst Happel Stadium, we have no choice but to cancel the three scheduled shows for everyone's safety,' Barracuda music said in a post on social media.
Swift's official website also listed the concerts as cancelled.
Don't get me wrong, I am here for the war between Islam's god of submission/conquest and the human avatar of feminist liberation from the patriarchy. I just don't think the Islamists understand what they've done.
I said in the headline that the jihadis didn't think this through. Here's what I mean:
It's an election year and there's an ongoing war in Israel and you just made tens of millions of Western women care about Middle Eastern politics for the first time.

As for the based lads out there, well, we have an opportunity here to remind the Swifties of something before Election Day!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇