This Columbia student group is saying the quiet part out loud
ยท Aug 8, 2024 ยท

Remember when the Hamas kids took over Columbia University back in the spring?

Those were the days, right?

Well, here's one of the groups responsible for the anti-Israel takeover. Notice that it's not really about Israel anymore (never was), it's just a broad get-rid-of-Western-civilization movement.

"... fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization."

"Revolution must continue."

This is what our leftist youth are fighting for, people.

The reason they want to get rid of Western civilization is because they're Marxist, and Western values are standing in their way.

As long as we have God, freedom of speech, guns, capitalism, science, individualism, rationalism โ€” all the things that make us great and impenetrable โ€” we cannot be taken by the commies.

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