This WaPo writer thinks that high school boys who offer girls tampons are "studs." Come see the glorious replies.
· Aug 8, 2024 ·

The hashtag #TamponTim has been trending this week, a delightfully savage mockery of Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz's decision, as governor of Minnesota, to put tampon dispensers in boys' bathrooms in schools throughout the state.

Naturally, the Left is going hard to defend Walz over this really unsettling policy. And we found what may have been the very best defense of them all:

I'm sorry, a guy who offers a girl a period product would be a "king stud?"

I don't think I need to tell you that any high school boy who did this to a high school girl would find himself very far from any prom invites.

He'd be treated like a pathetic oddball at best and a creepy weirdo at worst.

Thankfully, the comments section didn't disappoint:

High school boys, if you ever try this, let us know how it goes — you'll have plenty of time to write about it on Prom Night! 😂

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