Okay people, I realize it's 2021 and all, but this...
This is just too weird for me.
"A new series."
"About a boy."
"Named Chad."
Who happens to be a girl, but WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT!!!!!
(Chad is played by actress Nasim Pedrad.)
And Chad's really just a normal boy who does boy things and is super masculine and stuff. He likes girls and plans on kissing a lot of them in high school because he's a boy and definitely not a girl or anything like that. If everything works out he'll connect with a really hot chick who happens to be a boy and they'll become partners for life and have several children and they'll all live happily ever after because this is all perfectly normal and everything is okay.
Yeah, that's stupid as heck. I really don't have much else to say about this extra-dumb sitcom.
Nobody is going to watch it.
I'm mostly worried about my kids seeing previews of it this fall when I'm trying to enjoy playoff baseball.
I guess that just gives me another reason to give up on sports.
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐