Nebraska sentences teen girl in first criminal abortion case. The Left is correct that it's a travesty of justice, but not for the reason they think.
· Jul 24, 2023 ·

Let's talk about this.

[Warning: This article involves discussion on a deeply disturbing crime]

Remember Celeste Burgess, the Nebraska teen whose mother acquired abortion pills for her so she could fit into a smaller pair of jeans, and then the pair burned the baby's body and threw the dead child in a field?

Well, the trial wrapped up, and Miss Burgess was sentenced to jail time.

However, she was NOT sentenced to jail time for murdering her child, a fact the Left missed.

Burgess received a sentence of 90 days with the possibility of early release after 50 days for removing/concealing/abandoning a dead human body; the abortion charges were dropped.

Under Nebraska's abortion law, mothers cannot be charged for murdering their children; only the providers of the abortions can be criminally charged. Burgess's mother Jessica Burgess is facing up to 8 years if she is convicted for her role in the child's death.

I'm really not sure why Republicans are so squeamish for holding mothers accountable for killing their children in the womb. Outside the womb, if a mother hired a hitman to kill her baby or did it herself, she would go to prison for a lot longer than 90 days.

The Left predictably lost their mind on Twitter, claiming Burgess was going to prison for "not wanting to be a mother."

However, community notes were on the scene to set the record straight.

Okay, that last one was pretty funny. That officer is a giant.

Seriously though, I think Ted Lieu was right. Putting Celeste Burgess in jail for gruesomely concealing the murder of her child isn't a win.

She should be going to prison for infanticide.

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