Tell me what you think about this takedown of a loose calf in London
ยท Jul 1, 2024 ยท

Like it or not, ladies and gentlemen, this is how a loose cow is dealt with on the streets of London.

[Warning: Violence, language]


Bro ran that thing over like it was a Just Stop Oil protester on the highway!

Look, I hear you peeps out there complaining about how wrong this is, and I totally see where you're coming from. The officer who mowed down the calf has been "removed from frontline duties" as an investigation ensues, but after reading some of the details I have a hard time thinking he'll be removed from the force.

Let's take a look:

Surrey Police said the cow was running loose throughout the evening on a number of main roads.

The force were responding after being alerted by calls reporting that a car had been damaged and the animal was running at members of the public.

Officers were extremely concerned about the public's safety and over a period of a number of hours tried a number of options to safely capture the cow, the force said.

Eventually, the police decided to use the police car to stop the cow.

My first thought here is that something like this would never happen in America. It doesn't matter how big of a city you're in, there's always gonna be a cowboy somewhere in these parts. It's just how we roll.

But this was London, and London apparently doesn't have any cowboys. They tried "a number of options" and this was the last resort.

The cow, while obviously injured from the multiple blows she took there, is actually doing fine now. Her bones are intact, though she suffered a "large cut to one leg." Her head was also injured in the crash, but all-in-all she's doing okay and is back with her herd.

Beau Lucy

Let me tell you the reason I like this police takedown of the calf. This wasn't, in fact, the last resort. Plans were being put in place that Friday night to simply shoot the animal and get the chase over with that way. So in a way, the officer who mowed down this calf is a hero. It may have been a tough thing to do, but at least nobody had to shoot the animal.

My advice for West London: Hire a few cowboys from the States. I guarantee you this will never happen again.

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