Researchers captured a ginormous 17-foot, 2-inch, 3,541 POUNDS Great White Killing Machine off Nova Scotia on Friday and just LOOK at that monster.
Expedition leader Chris Fischer told McClatchy News the shark is more than 50 years old and counts as the largest white shark the nonprofit has tagged in the Northwest Atlantic. It is also among the 12 biggest white sharks he has tagged off Africa and in the Pacific, he said.
"She is a very old creature, a proper Queen of the Ocean and a matriarch. She has all the scars, healed wounds and discolorations that tell a deep, rich story of her life going back years," Fischer told McClatchy News.
"You feel different when you're standing beside a shark of that size compared to the ones in the 2,000-pound range. It's an emotional, humbling experience that can make you feel small. You feel insignificant standing next to such an ancient animal."
To put Big Mama's size in perspective: On the same expedition, the researchers also captured and tagged the biggest MALE shark they've ever encountered, and it was 13.7 feet and 1,700 pounds. Literally less than half the weight of Queen Rotund.