The doge has passed away. To the moon, Kabosu. To. The. Moon. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
ยท May 24, 2024 ยท

Kabosu lived until the ripe old age of 18 years old.

From Kabosu's owner, Atsuko Sato, after she passed away on Friday:

She passed away gently as if she was sleeping while I stroked her

A few reactions:

Dogecoin was down 3% after the news of her passing: Here's hoping the crypto boys can rally in her honor.

Kabosu truly defined an age of the internet, with roots going back to the beginning of meme culture. She went viral in 2010, and her nickname reaches back to an old episode of Homestar Runner where Strong Bad gets called "doge." (IYKYK).

Sato announced that Kabosu had leukemia and liver disease in 2022, but she made it all the way until May 2024. What a legend.

Here were Kabosu and Sato in March:

Say hi to Harambe for us, Kabosu.

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