The Biden admin just came out against a law which would require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections 🤔
· Jul 8, 2024 ·

The Biden administration has its underwear in a bunch this week over a bill in the House that would make American citizenship a requirement in order to vote in federal elections.

The Biden camps says it "would make it much harder for all eligible Americans to register to vote and increase the risk that eligible voters are purged from voter rolls."

From Axios:

The House is set to vote next week on the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE Act, which would require ‘documentary proof of United States citizenship' to vote in federal elections.

  • That could include a passport, a photo ID card that proves a voter was born in the U.S. or another form of photo ID along with supporting documentation such as a birth certificate, the bill says.

  • The legislation would require non-citizens to be removed from voter registration rolls, require election officials to ask voter registration applicants for proof of citizenship and open them up to legal consequences if they do not.

And that bill is something Democrats just cannot get behind.

I mean, proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections? How are Democrats supposed to win with that attitude?!?

And it's not just the White House coming out against the SAVE Act.

House Minority Whip Katherine Clark's (D-Mass.) office told House Democrats they are ‘urged to VOTE NO' on the bill.

  • That means that Democratic leadership will send its whip team to cajole colleagues into not supporting the legislation.

  • The bill, Clark's office said, would ‘prevent Americans from registering to vote with their drivers' license alone' and would make a passport the "only acceptable standalone form of identification."

  • They added that the bill would create an ‘extreme burden for countless Americans' and ‘further intimidate election officials and overburden states' abilities to enroll new voters.'

Mike Johnson wrote up a report in support of the SAVE Act, where he noted,

Earlier this year, in Massachusetts, Boston Election Department officials disclosed to the Public

Interest Legal Foundation that the city had removed 70 noncitizens from the city's election rolls …

In May 2024, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose ordered 137 noncitizens removed from Ohio's voter rolls …

As of May 2023, Virginia Department of Elections officials have removed 1,481 registrations from its official voter rolls with a reported reason for removal due to ‘noncitizen status.'

As you can see, the numbers are very small. But then so are the margins of victory in many of our elections, especially in swing states.

So what is it, Dems? You think Biden can't win without a few million illegals on your side?

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