Last month, Pastor James Coates from Edmonton, Alberta was jailed for refusing to limit his church to 15% capacity.
His church released a lengthy statement on the scientific and theological reasons for their defiance at the time.
This Palm Sunday, I'm happy to report that James Coates was back in the pulpit:

Coates was in jail for 35 days as a non-violent offender whose only crime was disagreeing with sCiEnCe and refusing to let the state dictate the activities of the church.
35 DAYS.
Here he was hugging his fam after the release:
While he was freed, he's still being put on trial in May.
"John Carpay, the president of the [Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom], explains that counsel negotiated a deal in which Pastor Coates will plead not guilty to violating one health order but guilty to a second health order violation "to force the trial in May." As noted, all February public health violations were dropped. The remaining charge that will force the trial comes from December 2020. Carpay sees this as a positive since it puts the Albertan government's health orders on trial, which he insists ‘are violating our rights and freedoms.'"
Pray for this man of God who is refusing to bend so that the Gospel may be preached and liberty preserved. 😤