The CDC says the first step in preparing for a hurricane is to ... get vaxxed 🤣
· Aug 23, 2021 ·

When a monstrous storm is brewing off the Atlantic coast, your first thought might be to batten down the hatches, make sure you've got food and water, and have an emergency radio handy.

INSTEAD, the correct answer is to GET YOUR DANG COVID JAB!!!

I can't wait to stand in those gale-force winds and feel the sheer power of invincibility as that mRNA courses through my veins! I bet flying debris will bounce right off me!

To those in the "akshually" crowd, yes, I realize the CDC is not saying a Covid shot will make me impervious to hurricanes.

But you've got to laugh that this is literally the first suggestion on their list.

Oh, and then they tell everyone that home delivery is "the safest choice for buying disaster supplies." I hope that delivery guy doesn't forget anything on your list before the storm hits!!


P.S. Now take a quality brain break with our latest video showing the worst parenting fail of the year 👇

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